For the exhibition ‘Imagine Intuition’, Museum De Lakenhal has commissioned 6 artist to create new work communicating their vision on Intuition. Janet Vollebregt was invited to create two works for the exhibition; one that would the ‘entrance’ into the exhibition and into the world of ‘intuition’ and another work that would serve to integrate all that was learned and experiences during the exhibition; the closing piece.
Janet created the work ‘Tune In Portal II’ as the entrance to the exhibition, placed on the front square of the museum. The public was invited to step into the portal and play the tuning fork, to receive a harmonising 258 hertz frequency that would help experience the exhibition from a relatively calm and consciously awake state of being.
‘You are Present’ is the work that closes the exhibition. Janet Vollebregt views intuition as the ability to tap into collective (un)consciousness, as described by Karl Gustav Jung. With this work she invites the public to ground and at the same time tune into this field of collective consciousness, to be able to use one’s inner radar and pick up signals that are of priority.
This exhibition is a special intertwining of scientific and artistic research. This is reflected in the collaboration between artists and academics in the realization of new works. During Imagine Intuition, Andrea Evers, professor of health psychology at Leiden University, explores how artists and scientists today think about intuition and how they represent it in their work.
This exhibition is curated by curator of contemporary art Nicole Roepers. Choreography and design by Anton Spruit. Imagine Intuition was realised in the context of European City of Science Leiden 2022 and partly in collaboration with Andrea Evers, professor of health psychology.
With thanks to Mondriaan Fonds | Stichting Stokroos | Gemeente Leiden | Universiteit Leiden.