Building Piercings


Since ancient history, the human body has been adorned with talismans for protection and jewellery to emphasise beauty and communicate identity. My Building Piercings ask attention for buildings as (living) entities which -similar to human bodies- can be provided with protection or adornment and whose identity can be underlined with a piece of jewellery. 

Building Piercings are part of the Building-Body-Consciousness project. In this project I choose buildings that are relevant in Architectural History and that I have a special affinity towards, as I feel they are buildings with a well defined identity and style, true characters. These buildings are pierced to underline their identity and to invite people to see them as living entities. 

Piercings are placed mainly with permission of its owners. Some piercings are graffiti style interventions. My own architectural projects receive a piercing after completion; a Studio Janet Vollebregt signature.

brass and crystals




Cosmic Egg